Turned Up by Erin Nicholas

Turned Up by Erin Nicholas

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Author: Erin Nicholas
Genre: Contemporary Romance
File Name: turned-up-by-erin-nicholas.epub
Original Title: Turned Up (Taking Chances Book 3)
Creator: Erin Nicholas
Language: en
Identifier: ISBN:9781542047289
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Date: 1503936000
File Size: 444454.912

Dillon Alexander has been Kit Derby’s nemesis since third grade, when he beat her in the school spelling bee. They’ve been competing ever since, driving each other to be the best at everything from science fairs to bake sales. While working together one night during their senior year, they stopped bickering long enough to share an emotionally charged kiss. But a tragedy that same night left them both racked with guilt, driving Dillon out of town and leaving Kit determined to keep her distance.

Now an emergency room physician, Dillon has returned to their hometown of Chance, Nebraska. Soon he and Kit fall back into old habits, sparring in public while trying to stay out of each other’s arms. But when a blizzard traps them overnight at Kit’s grandmother’s farmhouse, the real competition begins: Who will be the first to give in to the feelings they’ve denied for a decade?

Table of Content

  • 1. PRAISE FOR ERIN NICHOLAS “Sexy and fun!” —Susan Andersen, New York Times bestselling author of Playing Dirty, on Anything You Want “Erin Nicholas always delivers swoonworthy heroes, heroines that you root for, laugh-out-loud moments, a colorful cast of family and friends, and a heartwarming happily ever after.” —Melanie Shawn, New York Times bestselling author “Erin Nicholas always delivers a good time guaranteed! I can’t wait to read more.” —Candis Terry, bestselling author of the Sweet, Texas series “Heroines I love and heroes I still shamelessly want to steal from them. Erin Nicholas romances are fantasy fodder.” —Violet Duke, New York Times bestselling author “A brand-new Erin Nicholas book means I won’t be sleeping until I’m finished. Guaranteed.” —Cari Quinn, USA Today bestselling author “Reading an Erin Nicholas book is the next best thing to falling in love.” —Jennifer Bernard, USA Today bestselling author “Nicholas is adept at creating two enthralling characters hampered by th
  • 2. Unnamed
  • 3. ALSO BY ERIN NICHOLAS The Sapphire Falls Series Getting Out of Hand Getting Worked Up Getting Dirty Getting In the Spirit (Christmas novella) Getting In the Mood (Valentine’s Day novella) Getting It All Getting Lucky Getting Over It Getting to Her (book six companion novella) Getting to the Church on Time (wedding novella) Getting His Hopes Up (a Hope Falls Kindle World novella) Getting Wound Up (crossover novel with Jennifer Bernard) Getting His Way After All After You After Tonight The Bradfords Series Just Right Just Like That Just My Type Just the Way I Like It (novella) Just for Fun Just a Kiss Just What I Need: The Epilogue (novella) The Anything & Everything Series Anything You Want Everything You’ve Got The Counting On Love Series Just Count on Me (prequel) She’s the One It Takes Two Best of Three Going for Four Up by Five The Billionaire Bargains Series No Matter What What Matters Most All That Matters The Boys of Fall Series Out of Bounds Illegal Motion Full Coverage The Taki
  • 4. Unnamed
  • 5. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Text copyright © 2017 Erin Nicholas All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher. Published by Montlake Romance, Seattle www.apub.com Amazon, the Amazon logo, and Montlake Romance are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates. ISBN-13: 9781542047289 ISBN-10: 1542047285 Cover design by Shasti O’Leary Soudant
  • 6. To my family, as always. To Samantha, who pretty much made me write this book—I mean, *helped* me write this book. ;) And to everyone who’s fallen for Chance.
  • 8. CHAPTER ONE Dillon Alexander pulled his truck to the shoulder of the road and threw it into park. At least he assumed he was on the shoulder. There were nine inches of snow making it impossible to know where the shoulder was exactly. Or where the road was, for that matter. The tire tracks from the cars and trucks that had braved the elements cut into the heavy, wet white inches, but they’d just been guessing as well. This was one of the storms where they told people to flat-out stay off the roads. And yet, here he was. Because people didn’t fucking listen. Which was pretty much why doctors had jobs in the first place. Four vehicles involved. Paramedics on the scene. Police are responding. The police scanner that he insisted on having on whenever he was outside the hospital squawked on the seat beside him. The paramedics had beaten him to the scene, which was good. They’d have supplies and equipment. But no way was he not going to show up. He got out of the truck and slammed the door, p
  • 9. CHAPTER TWO Eight minutes later, Kit was waiting by the back door that led to the parking lot. She could see his truck, and the snowmobile in the back of it, from here. There weren’t many cars in the lot on a day like this. “That’s what you’re wearing?” She turned to find Dillon striding toward her, dressed in full snow pants, fleece-lined work coat, heavy boots, stocking cap, scarf, and thick gloves. “It’s what I have,” she told him. “You’re going to wear scrubs and tennis shoes out in a blizzard?” “It. Is. All. I. Have.” He sighed, as if totally put upon by her. Yeah, she knew the feeling. “You’re going to freeze.” “I have three pairs on,” she told him, lifting a leg. “And we’re not going to be out in it. Once we get to each house, I’ll go in and warm up.” He shook his head. “Whatever. I am not treating you for hypothermia or frostbite.” “Like I’d want you to treat me,” she shot back. But he would treat her. And she would want him to. Dr. Alexander was the best physician she knew, an
  • 10. CHAPTER THREE “Are you feeling like that will be an issue here tonight?” Dillon asked. “Do you mean, am I feeling like jumping you right now or stripping down?” Kit asked, her own cockiness rising slightly. Finally. He gave her a half smile. “Yeah.” “No, not really.” Well, the jumping-him thing maybe a little. She was attracted to him. Always had been. And he’d been nice to her today. And he’d brought her out here. And had kicked a door down for her. That should definitely not have made her hot. She was no damsel in distress. And she was a woman who appreciated men who used their brains, not their brawn. Or so she told herself. In any case, she’d definitely felt warmer when he’d kicked that door in. And when he’d thrown her over his shoulder? She’d lost her mind a little bit and thought about grabbing the fine ass that had been right there. And then he’d kissed her. He’d just . . . kissed her. Grabbed her and kissed her. She didn’t care why he’d done it, and she didn’t care that typica
  • 11. CHAPTER FOUR Okay, she wasn’t ready to go there yet. Dillon realized he should have expected that. One thing Kit Derby would never do was give in to him easily. Fine. He was nothing if not patient . . . He almost snorted at that. Patience was not one of his foremost virtues. Kit could definitely outwait him. The woman was stubborn, he’d give her that. But that would make her giving in all the sweeter. The timer buzzed on the oven, signaling the cinnamon rolls were done. Kit moved to retrieve them, and Dillon stirred his chili. He didn’t want to talk about the clinic. They argued over that fucking project every other week at the meetings and occasionally in the hallways and even twice in her office. He loved the clinic idea. He loved the idea of bringing those services to town. He loved the idea of doing it with Kit. And he loved arguing with her about the things about it that they disagreed on. It gave him a high he couldn’t get anywhere else. But he knew she was throwing the project o
  • 12. CHAPTER FIVE There was absolutely nothing in the world that could override Dillon’s instincts once he and Kit were mouth to mouth. The desire to possess her superseded everything else. Like common sense. Like every other time. He put both hands on her ass and pulled her up against him. Not that there was a long way to go. She had already wrapped her arms around his neck and was arching into him, trying to get closer. Dillon made a note to work diligently on his bedside manner. It was good for his patients, of course, but damn, it was more than good to have Kit up against him again. And then he stopped making notes about anything but the way to get Kit to arch and moan and tighten her grip and open her mouth. She did all those things as he licked along her bottom lip and then sucked the tender flesh into his mouth. Her moan fired every nerve ending in his body. And they all had one message—take her. Dillon turned her and backed her into the counter. The firm surface behind her butt made
  • 13. CHAPTER SIX Dillon watched Kit disappear into the bedroom. To put more clothes on. Well, that was fine. For now. But she was running. She always ran. In the past, he’d had to deal with it. She wasn’t wrong when she said a relationship between them was complicated. But those complications were over now. They lived in the same town, they were here working together, and, no matter what she said, they did like each other. A lot. Having a long-term relationship with Kit wouldn’t be easy. She wasn’t easy. She was demanding and opinionated and proud and strong. And he wouldn’t have her any other way. And she couldn’t run this time. Not very far, at least. He ate his chili without tasting it. Then he tried hers. It was amazing. Of course. He had yet, in all the years of knowing her and competing against her, to find something Kit Derby wasn’t amazing at. Except admitting her own feelings, of course. Which was ironic, considering her profession was to make people—okay, help people—admit their f
  • 14. CHAPTER SEVEN Kit could feel the danger in the air. The feeling of being the only two people in the world because of the storm, and the feeling of playing house, were both strong and made her want things she hadn’t let herself admit before. But now . . . Dillon Alexander, the doctor who had worked in the aftermath of hurricanes and in the midst of civil unrest in Africa, the brilliant mind who had designed emergency-room protocols that were being used around the country, the charmer who had her entire hometown celebrating his return, and the man who could melt her with a look across a crowded room, was now sitting with her in a blanket fort in the middle of her grandmother’s living room. She had never wanted him more. “I’ll be right back.” She was scrambling for the gap in the blankets before she even really thought about the need for escape. It wasn’t the first time she’d felt overwhelmed by Dillon, but it was the first time she couldn’t get away from him completely, and she was feeli
  • 15. CHAPTER EIGHT She crawled toward him, feeling decadent with the fire warming her naked skin. And Dillon’s eyes warming all of her. He pulled the crispy outer crust off one marshmallow and held it out. She took his finger and thumb between her lips, sucking the toasted sugar onto her tongue and letting it melt in her mouth. She sucked on his fingers, then ran her tongue over the pads of each. He made a soft growling noise that made heat slip from her chest, through her stomach, to settle between her legs. She moved onto his lap, straddling his thighs, putting her breasts right there for him. Dillon slid the sticky white glob from the end of the stick. He spread the marshmallow over her right nipple with one hand while the other splayed between her shoulder blades and brought her up to his mouth. He licked and sucked until the sugar was completely gone. Or at least, Kit assumed it was gone. She’d lost her mind, and her ability to care about anything but Dillon’s tongue, back around the t
  • 16. CHAPTER NINE Dillon pushed the elevator button that would take him up to the floor where he could check in on Sarah and Caleb and Tim and tried to push thoughts of Kit from his mind. She’d been distracting him all day. But he couldn’t help but grin about it. She’d distracted him before. Every time she wore her red skirt, for instance. And every time she got on his case about something. And every time he got close enough to smell her. And every time she gave him one of her signature eye rolls. But today was different. Today he was grinning the grin of a fool in love. And he didn’t mind. Three people had already commented on his great mood, and Janice had caught him whistling earlier. It wasn’t that he wasn’t a happy, upbeat guy usually. But he was serious at work. He joked, he smiled, he tried to praise the staff when he could, and he always tried to be honest but optimistic with patients. But he wasn’t the type to stroll down the hallway, hands in his pockets, whistling. But right now
  • 17. CHAPTER TEN Meeting up with Kit for lunch every single day was awesome. Dillon barely remembered what he’d done for lunch before he’d started dating her—and it had been only two weeks. Dating her. Man, he loved that. They should have absolutely done this a long time ago. His turkey sandwiches tasted better, he felt more energized when he went back to work, his bedside manner had improved—and they’d only had sex about half of those lunch breaks. He just fucking liked being with her. But going down on her in her office while she was on the phone was, quite frankly, a fantasy come true. He knew Helen. He even liked Helen, mostly. But he didn’t feel one bit of guilt as he slowly slid Kit’s skirt up her legs and parted her knees. It was this red pencil skirt. That was part of it. He loved this skirt and had imagined this, and so much more, numerous times when she’d worn it in the past. He was now in heaven. She was wearing silky red panties to match, and as he kissed up the inside of her th
  • 18. CHAPTER ELEVEN Kit let out a breath and slumped back in her chair. She had an appointment with Gwen and Larry Thomas for marriage counseling. She couldn’t do anything about Dillon right now, and she would not be further distracted from the things she should be doing. But she reached for her phone. Being the very experienced and highly professional mental-health expert that she was, she realized she needed some therapy of her own. And everyone knew that a doctor should never diagnosis or treat herself. “I need to talk,” she told Bree when her friend picked up. “Where and what time?” Bree asked. In spite of her churning emotions, Kit smiled at that. That was a true friend right there. And she knew Bree would be practically bouncing in excitement to get to give Kit advice for a change. Kit talked, but she was rarely the topic of conversation. “A Bar,” she said. “How’s three o’clock?” “Drinking at three in the afternoon?” Bree asked. “Count me in.” “I just want to avoid a big crowd. You’re
  • 19. CHAPTER TWELVE Dillon reclaimed his seat at the table and grabbed Max’s beer. Damn Kit Derby and storerooms and tornadoes and blizzards. He took a long swallow, then set the beer mug back down with a thunk. “Everything okay?” Max asked, shooting a look at Bree, who looked equally concerned. “Nope,” Dillon said flatly. “Kit left?” Bree asked. “Yep.” “You going after her?” Jake asked. “Nope.” “You sure?” Jake asked. “When have I ever been sure about anything where Kit is concerned?” Dillon asked. They all just nodded as he made that very good point. “Should we go after her?” Bree asked Avery. Avery shrugged and looked at Dillon. He held up his hands. “Hell if I know what she needs.” But he did know. Kit needed him. Dillon felt itchy as he made himself stay put in the chair. Kit was worked up, and he wanted to fix it. But he didn’t know how. Besides insisting that she keep kicking his ass, he wasn’t sure how to assure her that everything would be fine and that this could work. But damn, h
  • 20. ABOUT THE AUTHOR New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Erin Nicholas has written more than thirty sexy, fun contemporary romances, described as “toe-curling,” “steamy,” and “enchanting.” She loves reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines, and happily ever afters. Erin lives in the Midwest with her husband (who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books), her kids (who will never read the sex scenes in her books), and her family and friends (who claim to be “shocked” by the sex scenes in her books). Sign up for Erin’s newsletter at www.erinnicholas.com/newsletter.html and never miss any news! You can find Erin on the Web at www.ErinNicholas.com, and also on Twitter (@ErinNicholas) and Facebook (www.facebook.com/ErinNicholasBooks). And join her SUPER FAN page on Facebook for insider peeks, exclusive giveaways, chats, and more! Visit www.facebook.com/groups/ErinNicholasSuperFans.

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