Only for You by Melissa Foster

Only for You by Melissa Foster

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Author: Melissa Foster
Genre: Contemporary Romance
File Name: only-for-you-by-melissa-foster.epub
Original Title: Only for You (Sugar Lake Book 2)
Creator: Melissa Foster
Language: en
Identifier: MOBI-ASIN:B0711XH4XQ
Publisher: Montlake Romance
Date: 1512403200
File Size: 526935.04

Love only works when your heart is in the right place. Hers could be right next door…

Single mom Bridgette Dalton doesn’t have time to stop and smell the roses—not even in her own flower shop. But that doesn’t mean she hasn’t noticed Bodhi Booker. Her ruggedly handsome next-door neighbor would be the perfect candidate for a no-strings fling. Having loved and lost, Bridgette’s not ready to hand over her heart…but she could use a distraction.

Bodhi has one rule: never leave anyone behind. As a special operative, he knows that each new mission is more dangerous than the last. He’s never made a promise of forever to a woman, not even to the beautiful widow who has him tied in knots. And if there were anyone who could tempt him into putting down roots, it would be Bridgette and her adorable son.

But as his next deployment nears, they make a startling discovery. Their passion, meant only for the here and now, might already be blossoming into something more…

Table of Content

  • 1. PRAISE FOR MELISSA FOSTER “You can always rely on Melissa Foster to deliver a story that’s fresh, emotional and entertaining. Make sure you have all night, because once you start you won’t want to stop reading. Every book’s a winner!” —New York Times bestselling author Brenda Novak “What sets Melissa Foster apart are her compelling characters who you care about . . . desperately. I dare you to read the first chapter and not be hooked.” —New York Times bestselling author M. J. Rose “With her wonderful characters and resonating emotions, Melissa Foster is a must-read author!” — New York Times bestselling author Julie Kenner “Melissa Foster is synonymous with sexy, swoony, heartfelt romance!” — New York Times bestselling author Lauren Blakely “I’m highly addicted to her stories, and still want to kick my own behind for taking so long to finally read her.” —The Power of Three Readers “The author’s writing was amazing, and to be completely honest here, to get me to read a subgenre I would n
  • 2. Unnamed
  • 3. MORE BOOKS BY MELISSA Have you read Melissa’s Love in Bloom big-family romance collection? Each book may be enjoyed as a stand-alone novel or read as part of the larger series. Characters from each family appear in other Love in Bloom family series. For more details on the Love in Bloom series, visit SNOW SISTERS Sisters in Love Sisters in Bloom Sisters in White THE BRADENS Lovers at Heart Destined for Love Friendship on Fire Sea of Love Bursting with Love Hearts at Play Taken by Love Fated for Love Romancing My Love Flirting with Love Dreaming of Love Crashing into Love Healed by Love Surrender My Love River of Love Crushing on Love Whisper of Love Thrill of Love BRADEN NOVELLAS Promise My Love Our New Love Daring Her Love Story of Love THE REMINGTONS Game of Love Stroke of Love Flames of Love Slope of Love Read, Write, Love Touched by Love SEASIDE SUMMERS Seaside Dreams Seaside Hearts Seaside Sunsets Seaside Secrets Seaside Nights Seaside Embrace Seaside Lovers
  • 4. Unnamed
  • 5. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Text copyright © 2017 Melissa Foster All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher. Published by Montlake Romance, Seattle Amazon, the Amazon logo, and Montlake Romance are trademarks of, Inc., or its affiliates. ISBN-13: 9781542049016 ISBN-10: 1542049016 Cover design by Letitia Hasser
  • 6. For Lisa Bardonski and Lisa Filipe
  • 8. CHAPTER ONE BRIDGETTE DALTON FLEW through the front doors of Chopstix, wincing at the sight of the owner, Li, holding up her bag of Chinese food. I am officially becoming the worst mother on earth. Someone who fed her son takeout three times in one week was not the type of mother she aspired to be. She flashed a harried smile. “Thanks, Li. No offense, but hopefully I won’t see you for a while.” “I packed an extra spring roll for Louie. Tell him Uncle Li misses him.” He waved as Bridgette rushed toward the door. “Will do! Thank you.” Uncle Li. Okay, maybe she wasn’t the worst mother on earth. She’d done at least a few things right, like moving back to her close-knit hometown of Sweetwater, New York, after the death of her husband five years ago. She and Louie had more family here than they could ever hope for. She set the bag on the passenger seat with the other groceries she’d picked up, wishing there was a restaurant that offered takeout lasagna. At least then she’d be feeding her son
  • 9. CHAPTER TWO WHILE LOUIE SET up a command station with his action figures in the playroom, Bridgette put away what was left of her groceries, hoping to distract herself from thoughts of Bodhi. When that didn’t work, she searched the pantry for peanut butter to make Louie’s dinner. Her phone vibrated with a text, and she snagged it from the counter. Her sister Piper’s name flashed on the screen, and she read the text. I booked a table at Dutch’s for Willow and Zane’s engagement party Friday night. Can you get a sitter so Mom and Dad can come? Dutch’s was a local pub, and it would be packed Friday night. Perfect. She needed a night out to de-stress, although her sisters would probably use it as another chance to push her to get back in the dating game. That’s what margaritas are for. She typed a response and sent it off. Yup. I’ll line up a sleepover with one of his friends. What can I do to help? She grabbed the toiletries she’d bought, embarrassed anew at the thought of Bodhi’s big hand
  • 10. CHAPTER THREE “I HAVE A sleepover tomorrow night!” Louie announced Thursday morning when they arrived at the bakery. The Secret Garden adjoined Willow’s bakery, Sweetie Pie. Most mornings Bridgette and at least a few of her siblings met at the bakery before work, and Roxie picked up Louie there each morning. Piper sat on a counter eating what was probably her third doughnut. It was a wonder she still fit into her size 2 jeans, the way she scarfed down goodies. Willow was wrist deep kneading dough, her blonde hair tied back in a thick braid that hung nearly to her waist. “A sleepover?” Roxie said. “How fun.” “Uh-huh,” Louie agreed. “Mom said I can have a blueberry scone today, Auntie Willow.” Willow flashed a curious smile at Bridgette. “Mommy did, did she? A scone. Interesting.” For as long as Willow had been baking, she’d connected people with baked goods. She’d even created a special dessert named after Zane, before he’d become her fiancé. Loverboys. The perfect mix of pleasurable, m
  • 11. CHAPTER FOUR FRIDAY WAS A madhouse at the flower shop. Bridgette didn’t have five minutes to breathe. She was thankful that her mother had been willing to watch the shop long enough for her to bring Louie to his sleepover. Bridgette might have been relying on fast food and looking forward to a night out with her sisters, but that didn’t mean Louie wasn’t her priority. She needed his sweet hugs and kisses to hold her over until she’d see him the next morning, but mostly, she didn’t want him to feel that having only one parent meant he came second to her other responsibilities. Her mind was scattered enough these days by the big, beefy guy living next door. But Louie had given him an in last night, and Bodhi had been quick to turn him down. A little too quick. He’d also skillfully evaded responding to her comment about the blonde in the Jeep yesterday afternoon. And yet here she was, pulling into her driveway later that evening, running late to get ready for Willow’s engagement party, an
  • 12. CHAPTER FIVE “WIFE?” BEN LAUGHED. “Dude, I don’t have a wife.” His eyes turned serious. “Bridgette’s my sister.” Bridgette couldn’t stifle her smile at the lost look on Bodhi’s face. “I’m sorry. I just assumed when you said Dalton . . .” Ben glared at him. “Should we talk about you two seeing each other in various stages of undress?” “No, we should not,” Bridgette snapped, wondering if Bodhi knew Aurelia or if he’d just picked her up. Aurelia Stark had been raised by her grandparents, who had owned the only bookstore in Sweetwater for more than forty years. She’d gone to school with Willow and had moved away after college. “Come on, Benny.” Aurelia dragged him away. Bodhi’s gaze bored into Bridgette as wordless seconds ticked by like a hundred fuses nearing explosion. His arm swept around her, bringing her against his magnificently hard frame. One large, strong hand splayed across her lower back, and the other threaded into her hair, like he owned her. And oh, how she wanted to be owne
  • 13. CHAPTER SIX BRIDGETTE’S THOUGHTS RACED every second of the short drive home. She tried to think rationally and slow herself down. But her body was acting like it was the Fourth of July, and every rational thought was shot down by how badly she wanted Bodhi. The fact that he was her neighbor should at least give her pause, for Louie’s sake if nothing else. But as she watched him stalk around the truck, impossibly handsome and powerful, his taste lingering in her mouth, neighbor didn’t hold the significance it probably should. Her body clearly thought she was not only ready to get back in the game, but it was anxious to play. He opened her door and with one swift move turned her toward him, planting his hands on either side of the doorframe, his face a mask of serious restraint. “I meant what I said,” he warned. “If you’re looking for more than tonight, we end here.” Why was his bluntness such a turn-on? “I’m not looking for anything. This—you—are unexpected.” He glanced at her house, th
  • 14. CHAPTER SEVEN BRIDGETTE WRESTLED WITH guilt as she washed up and dressed after learning that Louie had a bellyache and had just thrown up. She’d been having the most magnificent night she’d had in years when she should have been with her son. “I’ll drive you over,” Bodhi said for the second time. “Bodhi, I appreciate the offer, but it’ll just raise questions that he doesn’t need to think about.” She’d been a single mother long enough to handle a puking kid, but she loved that he’d offered to help. He took her by the shoulders with a serious look in his eyes. He was back to Bodhi, neighbor, with an undercurrent of something more. “He knows I’m your neighbor, and he’s . . . five?” “Yes.” “Then hopefully his mind isn’t attuned to the nuances of adult romance yet. All he’s thinking about is being in Mommy’s arms. If he throws up on the way home, you’ll have to pull over to help him. Besides the fact that he could choke in the car, it’s not safe for the two of you to be alone on the side of
  • 15. CHAPTER EIGHT WHILE THE REST of Sweetwater slept, Bodhi painted the rec room and repaired the shelves in the pantry. If Bridgette continued to get under his skin, he’d have his mother’s house renovated in no time. He’d been so frustrated over how the night had ended, he’d finally fallen into bed around four in the morning. But the sheets had smelled like Bridgette, and when he’d finally dozed off, she’d invaded his dreams. After too little sleep, he’d seen her leave for work this morning, and she’d looked exhausted. He wondered how many times Louie had been up last night. He wished she’d taken him up on his offer to watch the flower shop. He knew what it was like to be the sick kid of a single parent and to be stuck at home with a sitter. Granted, a grandmother was different from a sitter, but still. She’d made it clear that Louie didn’t do well with anyone but her when he was sick. He respected the hell out of her for doing what she had to do for her business and her family. She’d pro
  • 16. CHAPTER NINE SUNDAY SWEPT THROUGH Sweetwater with clouds and sporadic rain. The perfect day for Bridgette and Louie to lie low while he recuperated. His fever hadn’t returned, and by midday he was back to his chatty self. Louie begged to go outside and play on the porch, but Bridgette knew that while her little boy thought he was ready to plow full speed ahead, he still needed to rest. But resting didn’t have to be boring. Using the bookshelves, coffee table, and couch as anchors, she made a fort out of sheets in the living room, like she and her siblings used to do, and filled it with his favorite toys. They spent the afternoon playing games inside their hideout. Every time she went into the kitchen, she thought of Bodhi standing beside her when he borrowed sugar. Those thoughts led to the image of him stalking into her flower shop with a big bag of sugar and stalking right back out. He was about as easy to read as hieroglyphics. It’s silly, she told Willow when she’d called earlier.
  • 17. CHAPTER TEN BRIDGETTE SLEPT THROUGH the alarm Monday morning, sending her into a panic. She raced through her shower and getting Louie’s breakfast ready. Louie spilled cereal all over his clothes, and all over Jeter, which caused a torrent of tears. “It’s okay, honey. You run upstairs and get changed, and I’ll get him cleaned right up.” As her little man hurried up the stairs, she washed the stuffed animal in the sink, trying to picture Bodhi’s reaction to this morning’s mayhem. His morning chaos probably consisted of which to do first—turn on the coffeemaker or let Dahlia outside. A knock sounded at the door, and she hurried to answer it, but Louie got there first. Her insides melted at the sight of Bodhi crouched in front of her boy with their foreheads almost touching. Louie had changed into a long-sleeved T-shirt with YANKEES emblazoned across the chest, a pair of shorts, and his favorite old, one-size-too-small blue rain boots he refused to throw away. He put his arms around Bodhi
  • 18. CHAPTER ELEVEN BODHI’S HARSH TONE made Bridgette’s stomach twist. She’d kicked herself seconds after sending those last two texts. She sounded like a possessive girlfriend. She’d wanted to send a text telling him she was hoping for a kiss good night, but that seemed too needy. She walked through the kitchen and saw his hulking figure bent at the waist as he placed something on the ground. Her nerves took flight as she opened the door. Dahlia trotted to the porch as Bodhi rose to his full height, broad and powerful against the night sky. He stalked toward her, amping up her pulse with each determined step. He didn’t stop until he was nearly standing upon her. He hauled her against him and took her in a punishingly intense kiss that rang through her veins. She pushed up on her toes, wanting more, and used his shoulders for leverage as she futilely tried to climb him like a mountain. He smiled against her lips and lifted her into his arms. His mouth was like an ocean of heat and desire, a
  • 19. CHAPTER TWELVE BRIDGETTE SPENT TUESDAY floating on cloud nine. Bodhi had come by the flower shop in the morning to tell her he’d gotten the tickets to the Yankees game, and seeing him for those few minutes had made her whole day brighter. She was a little nervous about meeting his mother, but he’d explained her love of baseball so matter-of-factly, she was trying not to read too much into it. She picked up Louie on time and mentioned the trip to him during dinner. After a full five minutes of jumping up and down and cheering, he’d called Bodhi on the walkie-talkie to thank him. Now it was early evening, and as she stood on the back porch with Dahlia, who had suddenly become very attached to her, she watched the two of them fixing the playset. Bodhi had bought a child-size tool belt for Louie, along with a set of plastic tools, and Louie wore it proudly. He watched Bodhi intently, mimicking his actions. He grabbed his plastic hammer, holding it exactly as Bodhi held his. Bodhi said some
  • 20. CHAPTER THIRTEEN “I CAN’T HIRE that girl,” Bridgette said to Talia. She was arranging the second of three centerpieces for a last-minute order from the owner of a local restaurant. It was Thursday afternoon, and she was late picking up Louie again. Talia had stopped by on her way home to help Bridgette work her way through the applications she’d been ignoring. “I know too much about her, and yes, that’s judgmental. But she sleeps with every guy she can get her hands on. That’s not the type of person I want around my family and customers.” “Bridge, you’ve nixed the last three applications because of personal reasons.” Talia closed the laptop, giving Bridgette the have-I-taught-you-nothing look she’d honed over the years. “You need to throw caution to the wind, bite the bullet, and hire someone.” Bridgette sighed heavily and set the flower she was holding on the table. Hadn’t she been throwing enough caution to the wind lately? “Tell me something I don’t know. Mom and Dad have plans toni
  • 21. CHAPTER FOURTEEN THE NEXT TWO days flew by, and before Bridgette knew it, it was Saturday afternoon, and they were on their way to New York City. She’d been so excited about their weekend away, she’d closed the flower shop early. Bodhi had bought tickets to see The Lion King, and Louie had watched the movie twice since they’d mentioned it. Louie chatted the whole first half of the almost two-hour drive. Bridgette worried that his incessant talking might grate on Bodhi’s nerves, but Bodhi took it all in stride. Now Dahlia slept on the seat beside Louie, and Louie, having worn himself out, was fast asleep. Bodhi reached for Bridgette’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. He held it until they hit stop-and-go traffic in the city, when Louie woke up like a bundle of energy ready to explode. Louie peered out the window. “There’s no grass here. Where will Dahlia go poop?” Bodhi chuckled. “I’ll show you when we take her for a walk.” The three of them had taken Dahlia for a walk along t
  • 22. CHAPTER FIFTEEN THEY WALKED THE rest of the way home with Louie sleeping soundly on Bodhi’s chest and Bridgette snuggled against his side. Dahlia was so excited to see them, Bodhi had to take her right outside so she didn’t wake Louie. Bridgette changed Louie into his pajamas and tucked him into bed. He was so worn out, he remained asleep. She tucked Jeter in beside him and sat on the edge of the bed, admiring her sweet boy. He loved Bodhi the same way he loved Aurelia and their other close friends. She saw it in the way he looked at him and how he’d reached for Bodhi’s leg and not hers in the elevator. She had ached a little at that, in a good way. She wanted his world to be full of love, and thinking of Bodhi and Louie’s relationship in the same way she thought of Louie and her other friends helped her to put things into perspective. She heard the front door open and the heavy cadence of Bodhi’s footsteps coming down the hall. Her body prickled with anticipation. Dahlia trotted into
  • 23. CHAPTER SIXTEEN FOR ALL THE calm Bridgette had felt in the days leading up to meeting Bodhi’s mother, when Sunday arrived, she was a nervous wreck. She took her shower while Louie slept, and after she dressed, she found Louie helping Bodhi cook waffles. She stood outside the kitchen watching her little man standing on a chair, pouring batter onto the waffle iron with her big man’s help. Bodhi kept one hand protectively around Louie’s waist and spoke in a low, patient voice. “That’s it. Perfect.” Bodhi took the measuring cup Louie was using to pour the batter from him and set it on the counter. “Now we close the lid and let it cook.” “Sometimes my mom burns my waffles.” Great. At five he was already throwing her under the bus. “I burn them sometimes, too,” Bodhi said. Thank you for having my back. “My grandma never burns them.” “Grandmas are pretty special. They know how to do everything,” Bodhi said. “Did your grandma teach you to make waffles?” Louie rested his head on Bodhi’s shoulde
  • 24. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN MONDAY EVENING BODHI and Bridgette sat in her car in front of his house making out like horny teenagers. Willow and Zane had invited them to an impromptu dinner at their house, and Roxie and Dan were bringing Louie with them. Bridgette had stopped by after work to pick up Bodhi, and he’d been devouring her ever since. He took the kiss deeper, and she reached across the seat and palmed his cock. They’d been insatiable since their trip, and he didn’t want to stop, but . . . “We’re never getting out of this driveway if you do that.” She yanked the button open and pushed her hands into his briefs. “Mm-hm.” “Baby.” He groaned and shifted in the seat to give her more room. “You’re not going to believe this, but I’ve never made out in a car like this.” Her eyes flamed. “How can I stop now, knowing that?” She lowered her mouth over the head of his cock and used her tongue to drive him out of his mind. “Holy shit, Bridgette.” He reclined the seat, and she made a sound that vib
  • 25. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN BODHI HAD STEPPED on a land mine, and he was terrified of making a move. He hadn’t meant for his feelings to tumble out, but for the briefest of seconds he’d forgotten who he was and what was at stake. Bridgette looked like she was going to fall apart any second, and he needed to get to her without making things worse. “Who wants dessert?” Roxie burst into the room, reaching for Louie, and saving Bodhi’s ass. “Me!” Louie cheered, and happily climbed out of Bodhi’s grip and into hers. “Good idea,” Willow said, her eyes darting between Bodhi and Bridgette. “We’ll—” Ben pushed to the front of the group and herded them toward the stairs. “Downstairs, everyone. The ticklefest is over.” He glanced over his shoulder and gave Bodhi a look that told him he had his back. When they were safely out of earshot, Bodhi quietly closed the door and went to Bridgette as she sat down on the edge of the bed. He stood before her and took her hands in his, telling himself it would be easier
  • 26. CHAPTER NINETEEN AFTER FIELDING HER family’s overprotective phone calls for two days, Bridgette was thrilled to get away with Bodhi Wednesday night. She loved her family and appreciated their concerns, but she wanted to enjoy these last few days with Bodhi without thinking about how much it would hurt when he left Saturday evening. They knew the reason for her situation. Bodhi had taken the time to talk with each of them Monday night. Bridgette had been floored to find out that while she was on the couch with Louie, Bodhi had told them about the dangers that came with his job and about losing his father. Later that night, after Louie was asleep in his bed, and after they’d made love, they’d stayed up for hours talking. She’d wondered if he’d ever considered doing something else with his life, though she hadn’t voiced the question. He’d told her about the friends he’d lost and the families they’d left behind. He’d gone on to tell her about the men and women he’d rescued, and she’d heard
  • 27. CHAPTER TWENTY BRIDGETTE LOOKED CUTE as hell sitting at the counter in one of Bodhi’s T-shirts, eating chocolate chip waffles. Her hair was still damp, and she wore the sexy cutoffs she’d had on earlier. She had the hazy look of a contented lover, and he knew he’d remember that look forever. She finished eating and pushed her plate to the side. He leaned in for a sticky, syrupy kiss, and she laughed against his lips. “That, Bridgette Dalton, is one of my favorite things about you.” “Sticky kisses?” He kissed her again. “You’re not afraid to laugh when we’re kissing. You’re not afraid to be yourself, or speak your mind, or talk about difficult subjects.” Or make hard decisions. “Bridge, I’m blown away by what you’ve done tonight. This cabin, the waffles . . .” He tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled her closer. “Thank you for not being afraid to let my memories of my father into our lives.” “A very special man once told me that real love never dies. I think all love should be celeb
  • 28. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE THE NEXT MORNING Bodhi and Bridgette woke before the sun to the sounds of leaves rustling. Bridgette curled up against Bodhi as a skunk made its way across the yard. After it disappeared into the brush, Bridgette couldn’t resist knocking “have sex on a hammock” off the bucket list she didn’t have, and Bodhi was all too happy to help her out with the precarious proposition. After nearly tumbling off the hammock and ending up in hysterics—and somehow still producing two incredible orgasms—they went inside and showered. Bridgette called Willow, who she knew would be getting ready to start baking, and checked on Louie. He was still fast asleep. After thanking Willow so many times they ended up laughing, she and Bodhi went for the walk they’d missed last night. They sat on the rocky ridge overlooking Sweetwater and watched the sunrise. “How is it possible that we’ve only had a little more than two weeks together and it feels like years?” “Time is a funny thing,” Bodhi sai
  • 29. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO FRIDAY MORNING WHEN they headed over to the Love Family Orchard, located at the edge of town, Bodhi worried it might already be picked clean. They were greeted by several friendly, older dogs and a crowd of people milling around an old-fashioned pole-barn-turned-fruit-stand that reminded Bodhi of the orchards he’d visited as a kid. It was busy from the minute they arrived, but with acres of fruit trees, there were plenty of peaches to go around. They’d been there for almost two hours, and had spent more time playing with the dogs than picking peaches. But they’d picked enough for at least two pies. “Bodhi?” Louie asked as Bodhi lifted him up to pick a peach from the top of a tree. “Yeah, buddy?” He felt Bridgette’s hand on his back. They’d been sneaking touches all morning, and he almost hated to lower Louie to the ground after he picked a peach, wanting more of Bridgette. They’d gotten good at hiding their relationship, but Bodhi had caught himself reaching for Brid
  • 30. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE LATER THAT EVENING, Louie and Bridgette played superheroes in the backyard, donning capes and eye masks and chasing invisible villains, while Bodhi cooked hamburgers—and imagined Bridgette wearing that mask later, in the bedroom. He knew he should start putting up barriers, find that cold place he’d lived within for so long, but no part of him wanted to do that. He’d spent a lifetime being strong. Didn’t everyone deserve to be weak at some point? At least for a little while? They packed the burgers and a picnic dinner, and took Dahlia down to the lake. Large white tents were set up along the fairgrounds, and orange cones marked off the parking area, in preparation for the Peach Festival tomorrow. They set out their blanket by the water and ate dinner while Louie told them about plans he and Zane had made to build a tree fort in the backyard. Jealousy gnawed at Bodhi over another man, even an uncle, being the one to do those things with Louie. As he listened to Loui
  • 31. CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR THE PEACH FESTIVAL was one of many community celebrations in Sweetwater, and every year Bridgette tried to remember why those celebrations had felt too small town for her when she was younger. She hadn’t missed the festivals until she’d returned home and attended them with baby Louie in her arms and realized how wonderful their close-knit community actually was. All the local businesses shut down for the event, and practically the whole town showed up, which had given her a renewed sense of safety and comfort that she’d never thought she needed. Now, as they gathered along Main Street, climbing into flatbed trailers full of hay for the annual Peach Parade, she knew she’d rely on this community again after Bodhi left later that afternoon. The trailers had been decorated by local middle- and high-school kids, painted with pictures of peaches and orchards, with orange and red streamers hanging beneath signs on the sides that read, SWEETWATER PEACH FESTIVAL, HAVING A PE
  • 32. CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE “I’D RATHER GIVE birth again than say goodbye to you,” Bridgette said as they stood in his living room waiting for Dahlia to come in from the backyard. The house felt hollow without Bodhi’s tools and Dahlia’s dog bed. “And believe me, it’s painful pushing a little human out of your body.” He tugged her against him, hating himself more with every passing second. And the worst part about it was that even the thought of her having babies made him want them to be his. Man up. Face this head-on and get the hell out of here. The hard-ass in him was no match for his heart. He held her tighter. “Bodhi?” she said shakily. “Is this really it?” He put enough space between them to see her face. Christ, that was a mistake. Tears spilled from her eyes, slicing him right down the center of his chest. “I’m sorry, baby. I feel like I’m staring down the barrel of a gun. If we stick to our here and now plan, the gun goes off when I drive away. Once and done. And if we don’t, it’ll be
  • 33. CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX BODHI DROVE WITH the music blaring and the window down, anxious for any distraction from the ache eating away at him. But there was no escape from thoughts of Bridgette. She’d already become as vital as the air he breathed. Too edgy to be trapped in the truck, he pulled off at the next exit and found a grassy area to walk Dahlia. He paced the lawn, wondering why he was putting them both through this. He should get his ass back in the car, drive back to Sweetwater, and tell her he was wrong, that he didn’t want to let their love go. “Come on, Dahlia.” She jumped into the truck. Bodhi glanced at the photo album and knew he couldn’t drive away. What if it was months before he was called in for a mission? He wanted whatever time he could get with Bridgette and Louie. Feeling like he’d pushed a five-hundred-pound gorilla off his back, he climbed into the truck and pulled out his phone to call Bridgette. He petted Dahlia again and drew in a deep breath. Maybe they’d get lu
  • 34. CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN “HANG ON,” BRIDGETTE said to Talia, who was on speakerphone. She made a U-turn and came to a fast stop on the side of the road in front of Chopstix. Her laptop and purse flew off the passenger seat. “Darn it. One sec.” She put the car in park and leaned over to pick up her things. The bracelet Bodhi had given her slid down her wrist, and a pang of longing shot through her. She hadn’t heard from him since he’d left almost two weeks ago. Not that she’d expected to, but she’d thought his training was only for a week, and she’d hoped he might be as lonely for her as she was for him. When she’d bought Louie his new backpack for kindergarten, he kept talking about how he couldn’t wait to show it to Bodhi, piling more longing onto the already mountainous ache. Every night when she put Louie to bed and tucked him in with Jeter, his Yankees hat hanging on the bedpost, she had to stifle her heartache. She’d cried herself to sleep more nights than not, but she considered gett
  • 35. CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT “WHAT’S UP, STINKY butt?” Louie said when they walked in through the back door of Willow’s bakery Wednesday morning. “Louie Dalton, you apologize to your aunt right this second.” Bridgette shook her head, sharing a silent laugh with Willow. “I’m sorry,” Louie said despondently. “Isn’t kindergarten wonderful?” Bridgette bent at the waist, hugging Louie around his shoulders from behind. “In the span of three days he’s learned all sorts of new phrases.” “Wait until middle school.” Willow motioned with her finger for Louie to come closer. He walked over with a serious, worried expression. “I’m sorry, Auntie Willow. I won’t call you stinky butt anymore.” Willow pointed to her cheek. “Put a little sugar on it.” He kissed her cheek, and she said, “What does Mom say Mr. Smarty Pants can have this morning?” “I had French toast.” Louie grabbed his stomach. “I’m too full to eat.” Willow’s eyes widened. “French toast?” “Uh-huh, and we have show-and-tell today.” Louie rummaged
  • 36. EPILOGUE BRIDGETTE SLITHERED INTO her dress and gathered her hair over one shoulder. “Bodhi, can you please zip me up?” It was Thanksgiving, and they were late for dinner at her parents’ house, where Louie had spent the afternoon helping his grandparents prepare for their first holiday in their new home. Bodhi’s mother had moved in next door, and she, too, was at Bridgette’s parents’ house helping them prepare. Bodhi slid his hands inside her dress and groped her breasts, feeling her up from behind. “Hey, Handsy Jack. You just had me.” She turned her face, and he captured her mouth in a sweet, loving kiss. “Your point?” He brushed his thumbs over her nipples, reigniting the inferno he’d just finished smoldering. His hips pressed against her ass. “My point”—Lord, that feels good—“is that we’re already late. And your mother and Shira are both waiting for you to arrive.” She’d met Shira shortly after Bodhi had returned, when she’d come to spend the weekend, and they’d hit it off like sist
  • 37. A NOTE FROM MELISSA I have been excited to write Bridgette’s story since I first met her in Logan Wild’s book, Wild Boys After Dark: Logan. I knew she needed a very strong, independent man, someone who had the ability to love her son, Louie, with his whole heart and bring out the side of herself that she’d ignored for so long. Bodhi Booker surpassed my greatest hopes, and I hope you loved reading their love story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Each of Bridgette’s siblings will be featured in their own books. Sign up for my newsletter to keep up to date with new Sugar Lake releases and to receive an exclusive short story ( If this is your first Melissa Foster book, you might enjoy my big-family romance collection, Love in Bloom. Characters from each series make appearances in future books, so you never miss an engagement, wedding, or birth. A complete list of all series titles is included at the start of this book. Happy reading!
  • 38. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Writing Bodhi and Bridgette’s story was very difficult for me, as I don’t usually write about couples who agree to break up. My heart ached for them, and I’d like to thank Lisa Bardonski and Lisa Filipe for giving me tough love during the writing process and convincing me to stick to my guns. I needed it. A special thank-you to fan Sas Mitchell, for help with research on flowers and their meanings. I chat with fans often in my fan club, and they inspire me on a daily basis. If you haven’t joined yet, please do. You never know when you’ll end up in one of my books, as several members of my fan club have already discovered ( If this is your first Melissa Foster book, you have many wickedly sexy and fiercely loyal heroes and sassy, empowered heroines to catch up on in my Love in Bloom big-family romance collection. You can find a full list of my books on my website ( If you don’t yet follow me
  • 39. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Photo © 2013 Melanie Anderson Melissa Foster is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than sixty-five books, including The Real Thing in the Sugar Lake series. Her novels have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown magazine, the Patriot, and more. She has also painted and donated several murals to the Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC. She enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups, and she welcomes an invitation to your event. Visit Melissa on her website,, or chat with her on Twitter melissa_foster and on Facebook at

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