Author: | Sam Hall |
Genre: | Paranormal Romance |
File Name: | grab-the-bull-by-the-horns-by-sam-hall.epub |
Original Title: | Grab the Bull by the Horns: A Monster Street romance |
Creator: | Sam Hall |
Language: | en |
Identifier: | MOBI-ASIN:B09QJ43PRR |
Date: | 1648828800 |
File Size: | 444328.96 |
I’m a total ancient history nerd and I’m about to get up close and personal with creatures I’d assumed were figments of our imagination.
When a strange man gives me a chai latte the like I’ve never tasted before, somehow, I’m stumbling through a rift in reality, straight into the arms of three very big, very muscular minotaurs.
Yeah, you read that right, minotaurs.
Legend says that one minotaur lurks within the labyrinth, but when I find my way to the heart, I discover three. Asterion, Calix and Galen aren’t the savage beasts feasting on human flesh I’d been led to believe. Instead, these warriors are forced to fend off dopey ‘heroes’ wanting to make a name for themselves, when all they really wanted is to find a woman to love.
And I want to be that woman.
They’re ready to give themselves to me, mind, body and spirit, but I’ve got people I love waiting for me at home. Right when I feel torn between two worlds, I discover a family secret that might change everything…